Alphabet Shooter: Survival FPS

Alphabet Shooter: Survival FPS

  • Developer:

    Rapid Rabbit Game

  • Platform:

  • size:

    58 MB

  • Updated:

    Mar 21, 2023



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All advanced gamers have tremendous love for Rapid Rabbit Game for developing the first-person shooter (FPS) mobile game, Alphabet Shooter Survival FPS. This casual shooting game has managed to take the simple gameplay to a whole new level by making it more than just a standard hide-and-seek mobile game. Here, players can play both as the hero and the villain. Hence, wanting to elevate the gaming experience as a whole is a concern of many beginners.

If you are looking for effective Alphabet Shooter Survival FPS tips and tricks, you are in the right place. So, do keep on reading to know more!

* Understanding the game premise

Once you are familiarized with the game objectives and game controls well, you will be able to strategize your gameplay accordingly and proceed effectively. Hence, you must understand the game premises before you dive in.

This is a single-player game where you have to move through a map. You are allowed to carry a gun of your choice as you have to shoot the oncoming obstacles to play this game. Your objective for each game is going to be collecting all the letters of a word that will be highlighted above your game screen when fighting the monsters. So, shoot the needed letters of the word and collect them one after another to complete the game and win big.

Pro Tip: Check out the mini-map provided to you to find the letters as a highlight.

* Getting familiar with the 2 game modes

One of the best game features of Alphabet Shooter Survival FPS is that it allows players to play both as a hunter battling Alphabet Lore monsters and as a monster hunting down their prey one by one. So, you are getting two game modes – Hunters and Monsters. Both of them provide different styles of gameplay, hence, your playthrough should be strategized accordingly. Beginners should understand what these 2 game modes can offer to beat them effectively.

When in the Hunters playing mode, you will be playing as a human. Choose a powerful weapon of choice and drag to move; aim and shoot your enemies as well to take them down. Your opponents, in this mode, are the Alphabet and Rainbow monster. To clear this game mode effectively, use the location map to your advantage and find your teammates to get the job done faster.

On the other hand, in the Monsters game mode, you are the monster and your objective is to hunt down people and kill them off. No matter which mode you are playing, you have to see through to the end to win in both modes. Hence, coming up with custom strategies for both modes is a must for all players.

* Shooting like a pro

You can effectively improve your gameplay if you can finish off the monsters with your gun faster. Thus, it is important to learn which type of shot can cause the most damage in this shooting mobile game.

Most players shoot at the monsters randomly. This rookie mistake should be avoided as this leads to exhausted ammo, which means more problems as you only have an access to limited ammo. So, make each shot count and try to clear your game goals faster and more effectively by aiming for your enemy’s head. Headshots in this game will ensure your enemies go down quicker than any body shots.

Pro Tip: You will be able to master headshots if you can practice the move over and over again. In addition to regular practicing, consider upgrading your weapon of choice for a better aim and result as well. Get to know the weapons available and upgrade a powerful one to ensure your target is accurate and your shot is deadly.

* Getting familiar with the special abilities

The game characters have special abilities that can be used during the battle. For example, grenades can cause massive damage while shields can be used to absorb damage caused by your opponents. Besides these, other helpful special abilities are also provided for players. So, it is a must for all beginners to understand the special abilities of the character they are playing with. This is one of the easiest ways to determine how to use the special abilities to improve the gameplay and get faster results.

So, if you want to survive longer or win big from the start in Alphabet Shooter Survival FPS, do follow these tips and tricks. These tips are designed to ensure you can achieve higher scores in this first-person shooter mobile game. So, do incorporate them accurately in your gameplay and enjoy an elevated gaming experience. Good Luck!
