Ball Up: Knife Racing

Ball Up: Knife Racing

  • Developer:


  • Platform:

  • size:

    83 MB

    288.4 MB

  • Updated:

    Mar 18, 2023

    Mar 20, 2023



  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

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Want to play Ball Up Knife Racing but do not know how to or what this game is all about? We have prepared a complete guide for you so that you can understand this game. To understand a game, you need to know the features and gameplay too. This game is all about having good coordination between hand and brain. As much as this game is challenging, it can be a very fun and entertaining game too. This game is available on iOS devices as well as on Android devices. So, if you want to play the game,read on.

This game is based on a simple idea of making a ball reach its goal. But the concept of the game is quite unique. So, as soon as you launch the gaming app, you will start from Level 1. You will see that there is a huge tower, a knife and a ball. What you have to do is to throw the knife to the tower and the ball will bounce on the knife to head straight up.

While the ball is in the air, you have to throw the knife again. As the ball lands on the knife it will bounce back in the air and you need to continue the game like this. Your main aim is to reach the top of the tower with the knife and make the ball reach its goal. But there are a handful of things that you have to keep in your mind.

When you are throwing the knife you have to really be fast and feel the rhythm. But at the same time, you need to make sure that you are not damaging the ball. If you, by any chance, pop the ball with the knife, then there is a penalty. This penalty is that you lose some knives that you have already thrown. As soon as you lose some knives, you will lag behind.

Some of the best features of this game are:

* Quite a smooth and seamless interface

* Decent graphics quality with nice sound effects

* Comes with bonus rounds to play

* Choose to play the tournaments to win more

* Opponent is chosen randomly

* Purchase of in-app boosters and power-ups available

* Win gold and redeem it later

Are you interested in playing Ball Up Knife Racing? We have some important tips that can guide you through this game.

Try to bounce the ball higher

To ensure that you are being able to throw as many knives as possible for the ball to reach the goal, you have to make the ball bounce higher. For that you need to make it bounce to the latest knife that you have thrown. This will fire up the speed and the ball will go up higher. Hence, you will get much more time till the ball goes up and comes down.

Make sure to beat the opponent

In each and every level there will be an opponent selected for you. You have to make sure that your speed is higher than that of the opponent. So, focus on your side and make sure to be very precise with your throwing and not hurting the ball. Once you reach the top first, you will win the level.

Play the bonus rounds

Once you win a level, you will get a bonus round where you have to throw the knife to get to the treasure chest. Even here you have to be aware of the balls that are rotating. Do not hurt the balls or you will lose the knife. If you lose more than 3 knives, the bonus round will fail. If you successfully get to the chest, you can win gold coins for the game.

This is a complete guide on how to play Ball Up Knife Racing. Hopefully, these tips and the essential guide about the gameplay will help you to have a better understanding about the game. So, do not waste any more time and visit the app store and play this game.
