Catch the Alien: Find Impostor

Catch the Alien: Find Impostor

  • Developer:

    Monster Game Studio - OneSoft

  • Platform:

  • size:

    32 MB

  • Updated:

    Mar 27, 2023



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Does this ever cross your mind that what if aliens are real? Have you ever thought that they are living among us and we are just not aware of it? Aliens can be a very fascinating topic and if you too love this topic, then you will definitely love playing games based on aliens. Catch the Alien Find Impostor is one of the best 3D games where you have to find out the hidden alien imposters in your surroundings. They can be anywhere around you in this game. Are you interested? Then you can play this free-to-play action game. 

This is a fun game based on an interesting background story. There are some aliens who are there around you and their sole motive is to invade the Earth. You have to play the role of a savior here and save the Earth from the invasion. You can do this by finding out the aliens and killing them. This is the only way to stop them and save your planet. There are certain things you need to know about this game. These are:

* Alien imposters

The first and the foremost thing that you need to need to know is that you cannot identify the aliens normally. They are impostors who have changed their appearances and are living like normal human beings among normal people. Your job is to hunt them down and catch them.

* Maps

There are a lot of different maps present in this game. This map will help you to track down different areas where the aliens are probably living. You need to discover them based on the map and other tactics.

* Scan equipment

You must be thinking about how to find out whether a person is a human being or an alien. Well, to find it out, you will have special equipment for scanning. This scanner can help you in finding out where the alien is.

* Guns(weapon)

You will also have a weapon with you to kill the aliens. You can use the fancy gun for shooting down those imposter aliens and save your planet. You will get different options in guns to choose the best one for your use.

Now that you know all the basics related to Catch the Alien Find Impostor game, it is time to play it. If you are interested to play, then we have some really great tips for you. These tips can help you to play this amazing game more efficiently. These tips are:

Tip #1 – Make sure to scan everyone

The alien imposters can replace anyone around you. It can be one of your family members or neighbors. Even aliens can disguise as an animal or a tree. So, you need to scan everyone out there to find out the truth. Do not trust anyone and use the scanning equipment to do it.

Tip #2 – Shoot very carefully

As soon as you find an alien imposter with the help of the scanner, you have to take out your weapon and kill the alien. You need to be very quick in shooting them down or else you can lose them too. Shooting them will make them weaken before they can return back to the UFOs. Also, be careful that you are not shooting any humans.

Tip #3 – Find the marciano aliens

The Marciano Aliens are the superior version of the aliens. These are evolved in the UFO laboratories by merging few aliens. Though they are rare in number, they are powerful. So, you have to find them out make them weaker.

Tip #4 – Choose weapons carefully

You need to makes sure that you are choosing a perfect weapon to kill the aliens once they are caught in the scanner. There is a wide of range of guns available to choose from. You can pick the right one that will help you to kill the alien in the best way possible.

The game of Catch the Alien Find Impostor is quite a unique and interesting game. You have to make sure that you are paying attention to the game as one wrong move can result into a complete game over. So, start playing this game today!
