Cultist Simulator

Cultist Simulator

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    342.6 MB

  • Updated:

    Feb 17, 2023

    Mar 1, 2023



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Greetings, fellow initiates! Welcome to the enigmatic world of Cultist Simulator. In this occult narrative card game, you will delve into forbidden mysteries, forge alliances with eldritch powers, and ascend to greatness. Whether you're a newcomer or seeking to refine your skills, this guide will provide essential tips and strategies to help you navigate the arcane depths of Cultist Simulator. Let's embark on this journey together and unlock the secrets of the game.

Aspects and verbs: Cultist Simulator revolves around Aspects (represented by cards) and Verbs (actions). To progress, you'll need to combine these elements effectively.

Study descriptions: Pay close attention to card descriptions. They often hint at the actions you can take and the consequences you might face.

Manage your resources: Vital resources include Funds, Health, and Reason. Neglecting these can lead to dire consequences, so balance your actions carefully.

Starting cults and followers:

Begin with a reasonable cult: When starting a cult, choose one that matches your character's strengths, such as Lantern or Knock. This will make early-game challenges more manageable.

Acquiring followers: Followers are crucial to your cult's success. Recruit them by exploring, sending Cultists on missions, or using specific cards.

Time management:

Time is your most precious resource in Cultist Simulator. Here's how to make the most of it:

Plan ahead: Always have a plan for your next few actions. This prevents wasted opportunities and minimizes setbacks.

Pause and think: Don't rush your decisions. Take your time to consider the consequences of each action before proceeding.


Cultist Simulator encourages experimentation. Don't be afraid to:

Combine cards: Try different combinations of Aspects to discover new rituals and opportunities.

Explore dreams and visions: Dreams can provide valuable insights and potentially unlock hidden knowledge.


Expeditions are a crucial aspect of the game. Here's how to excel in them:

Prepare adequately: Ensure you have the necessary resources and followers before embarking on expeditions.

Choose the right crew: Send Cultists with suitable Aspects for the mission. Be cautious, as failure can lead to negative consequences.


Your ultimate goal in Cultist Simulator is to ascend. To do so:

Follow the path: Work towards your cult's ascension goal by acquiring the necessary lore and fulfilling the required conditions.

Upgrade your cult: Strengthen your cult by recruiting more followers, collecting powerful lore, and performing successful rituals.

Dealing with notoriety and mystique:

Notoriety and Mystique can attract unwanted attention. Here's how to handle them:

Manage notoriety: Convert Notoriety into Contentment using the right cards to avoid trouble with the authorities.

Use mystique wisely: Employ Mystique strategically to gain followers and expand your cult's influence.

Navigating dread and fascination:

Dread and fascination can lead to unexpected events:

Counter dread: Use cards like Passion to counteract Dread and maintain your character's sanity.

Embrace fascination: When used cautiously, Fascination can provide unique opportunities and knowledge.

Dealing with rivals:

Rival cults can pose a threat. Protect your interests by:

Investigate rivals: Gather intelligence on rival cults and Cultists to anticipate their actions.

Sabotage or coexist: Decide whether to undermine rival cults or seek peaceful coexistence, depending on your goals.

Remain persistent:

Cultist Simulator can be challenging, but persistence is key:

Learn from failures: Don't be discouraged by setbacks. Each failure is an opportunity to learn and improve.

Experiment and adapt: Be flexible in your approach, and be prepared to adapt to changing circumstances.

In conclusion, Cultist Simulator is a game that rewards careful planning, experimentation, and strategic thinking. By mastering the basics, managing your resources wisely, and embracing the mysteries of the occult, you can ascend to greatness and unlock the secrets of the game. Remember, the path to enlightenment is fraught with peril, but with determination, you can overcome any obstacle. May the hidden truths of Cultist Simulator be revealed to you, and may your cult prosper on its journey to ascendancy!
