Epic Seven

Epic Seven

  • Developer:

    Smilegate Megaport

  • Platform:

  • size:

    54.53 MB

    114.3 MB

  • Updated:

    Aug 14, 2023

    Aug 17, 2023



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Welcome to the enchanting world of Epic Seven, a captivating turn-based RPG filled with epic battles, intriguing characters, and a rich storyline. Whether you're a newcomer or a seasoned player, this comprehensive guide will provide you with essential tips and strategies to help you navigate the game's challenges and become a master of Epic Seven. So, assemble your team of heroes, prepare for battle, and let's embark on a journey to conquer this epic realm!

Understanding the basics: Familiarize yourself with the core mechanics of Epic Seven, including combat, team composition, and progression.

Re-rolling: In the early stages, consider re-rolling your starting heroes to get a strong initial team. Aim for at least one 5-star hero to give you an advantage.

Team composition:

Balanced team: Create a balanced team with a tank, DPS (damage per second), and support heroes. Ensure that your team covers various roles to handle different situations.

Elemental advantage: Take advantage of elemental strengths and weaknesses. Water beats Fire, Fire beats Earth, and Earth beats Water.

Synergy: Choose heroes whose skills complement each other. Some heroes have skills that trigger combos with specific debuffs or buffs.

Progression and story mode:

Complete story chapters: Progress through the story mode to unlock essential resources, equipment, and heroes.

Side story events: Participate in side story events to earn valuable rewards and enhance your heroes.

Equipment and enhancements:

Gear quality: Prioritize equipping your heroes with high-quality gear. Focus on getting Speed and Critical Hit gear for your DPS heroes.

Enhance and awaken: Enhance and awaken your gear to increase its effectiveness. Prioritize upgrading gear with Speed and Critical Hit substats.

Battle strategies:

Auto vs. manual: While auto-battle can be convenient, manual control allows for better decision-making during challenging encounters.

Focus on priority targets: In battles, prioritize taking down enemy healers and damage dealers first to minimize threats.

Debuffs and buffs: Utilize heroes who can apply debuffs to weaken enemies and heroes who can apply buffs to strengthen your team.

Hero advancement:

Promotions: Promote your heroes to increase their star rating, unlocking new skills and enhancing their stats.

Skill enhancements: Use skill-enhancement materials to improve your heroes' abilities. Focus on maxing out key skills for your core team members.

Gacha and summoning:

Save for limited banners: Plan your in-game currency spending and save for limited banners featuring powerful heroes. Limited heroes are usually very strong.

Bookmark and covenant summons: Use bookmarks and covenant summons to acquire new heroes and artifacts. Covenant summons are also an excellent source of Transmit Stones.

Guilds and social features:

Join a guild: Joining a guild provides access to guild battles, helpful buffs, and social interaction with other players.

Friend points: Send and receive Friend Points daily to earn free summons and gold.

Molagora investment:

Molagoras are a rare resource used to enhance hero skills. Invest them wisely in your core heroes to maximize their potential.

Resource management:

Energy: Use your energy efficiently by farming catalysts, runes, and gear in Adventure Mode. Prioritize stages that drop materials your heroes need.

Gold: Gold is essential for enhancements and promotions. Avoid spending it on unnecessary things and prioritize your core team's gear and skill upgrades.

In conclusion, Epic Seven is an intricate and engaging RPG that rewards strategy and careful planning. By mastering team composition, equipment optimization, and battle tactics, you can conquer the challenges that await you in this epic adventure. So, assemble your dream team of heroes, embark on quests, and may your journey in Epic Seven be filled with epic victories and unforgettable moments!
