Free Fire

Free Fire

  • Developer:

    Garena International I

  • Platform:

  • size:

    846 MB

    1.5 GB

  • Updated:

    Mar 17, 2023

    Mar 22, 2023



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The popular battle royale mobile game, Free Fire is loved all over the world because of its captivating gameplay and amazing layout. The objective of this top-grossing action game from Garena is simple – survive till the last in every single battle. It may sound easy, however, all Free Fire players know it is not at all easy. So, interested in some effective tips and tricks that can help you to win big in this game? Then, do keep on reading and get to know everything to become a pro in this super-fun tactical shooter mobile game.

Without any further ado, here are the strategies, cheats, tips, and tricks you were looking for:

* Avoid firefights

Beginners get pumped up by the game, and end up becoming aggressive players which means seeking out trouble for the sake of it. Do you know the game does not require you to actively jump into firefights to fight your enemies? You should keep this in mind as this little trick can help you to survive longer in battle royale matches. Consider picking and choosing your fights strategically to last till the end of the match. You should definitely try to avoid more than two opponents when playing solo in this game. To win firefights, you should consider taking the help of a good squad acting as your backup.

* Find a high ground

This tip is suited for Free Fire players with both aggressive and passive playing styles. If you are required to stay in an area for a long time, consider finding a higher ground in the virtual urban landscape provided in this game. You will have access to tall buildings and also bunkers to stay away and safe from your opponents. Consider going for a tall building as they are very hard to navigate and provide players with ample space to surprise their opponents effectively. Besides, you can use the windows of the building to peek and get an optimal firing angle.

* Use your thumbs

Mastering the game controls is a must to ensure you can effectively defeat your opponents in this action-packed shooter game. Hence, consider avoiding the claw method, and use your thumbs effectively to play this game smoothly and effectively. Veteran players suggest using the claw method (which allows you to use more fingers) to fruitfully play battle royale mobile games. However, the thumb method is ideal for Free Fire, especially for beginners. Using your thumb will improve your gaming experience. Beginners can get the hang of the game controls faster by using the thumb-only playing style/method.

* Loot early on to survive the end zones

During the end zones of a match, if you are running low on supplies, you can land yourself in a lot of trouble in this game. If opponents attack during this time, a player may not have the means to properly defend himself. Thus, to ensure your survival in every battle, have an ample supply of ammunition, armor, and medkits. So, do collect them as much as possible early on in a match. You should also consider keeping your EP at max as it allows passive healing.

* Go for maximum EP always

The EP mechanics in this game is unique and all players need to pay attention to this. You should always check on both HP and EP to ensure improved gameplay. In essence, you will slowly consume EP when you are losing health, acting as a “buffer” to heal HP before you have to use regenerative items. But do know that players in this game do not regenerate EP by default necessarily.

You have to perform certain tasks (for example staying at campfires) to get EP. Consider this before going deep within the safe zones. If there are not many regenerative items near you, having a full or high EP will ensure players can enjoy effective gameplay. You can also move on from one fight to another easily if your EP level is high or at max. So, do ensure you are maximizing your EP level as much as possible to enjoy all the benefits this trick can offer.

Free Fire gameplay can be a bit tricky, however, there are many tips and tricks that can help all players to survive till the end of each battle. Some of them are discussed above, and you can see that they are quite easy to understand and execute. So, do practice playing as much as possible to improve your gameplay, and make use of these tips and tricks to ensure you win big time, every time!
