June's Journey: Hidden Objects

June's Journey: Hidden Objects

  • Developer:


  • Platform:

  • size:

    120 MB

    338.2 MB

  • Updated:

    Mar 31, 2023

    Mar 20, 2023



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Solving all the puzzles set for you in June's Journey Hidden Objects will be a fun experience that will test your detecting skill and satisfy your interest in mysteries and true crime. However, if your goal with this casual puzzle mobile game is to reach the top of its leaderboard, then things can be a bit different. So, if you want to know how to crack the challenging puzzles of the game like a pro from the get-go, keep on reading as some must-know tips and tricks for all rookie players are mentioned next.

1. Finding clues simplified

If you are having any problems with finding a hidden object, then you should try to spiral your vision from the outermost side of the game screen towards the middle. Searching in this direction or pattern will ensure you are focusing on the whole screen and not just the middle. Most beginners tend to focus mainly on the middle section of the game screen as it is in their point of view. However, scouring the whole screen is recommended as the game is known for using the whole screen for gameplay. So, ensure that you are checking the corners and sides as well.

After a significant amount of playtime, you will start noticing that the hidden objects are hidden in a certain pattern in most cases. For example, if a hidden object that you need to detect happens to be a clothing item, then it will be hidden around sections of the house or furniture associated with clothes. So, if you are having trouble finding an object, try to look in the sections of the game image where that particular object belongs.

2. Proper understanding of the list

This game takes you back to the now vintage, once glamorous 1920s. So, some players may not be familiar with some outdated objects and/or terms mentioned on the list in this game. This casual stylized game offers an easy and relaxing gaming experience. Thus, the game will not use anything unusual or uncommon. So, if you keep on playing this game, you will be able to improve your knowledge about the 1920s. As a result of the newly-gained 20s knowledge, your gameplay will become more effective. So, it is advised that you continuously keep on playing and learning. Many beginners go for an online search in a middle of a puzzle game to find out what the 20s object/term in question means. However, this trick is not at all effective as it will eat up a lot of your time. So, do avoid this rookie mistake.

3. Wait before hitting the Start button

If you have played this game already, then you know that this game provides you with some time to get ready. So, take advantage of this and do not be in too much hurry to tap on that Start button. Behind the start screen, you can see the layout of the image from where you have to find the hidden objects and also the list with the first 3 items clearly visible for you to see. So, use the time allotted to strategize your gameplay and look around to find the 3 items you know are on the list. So, even before hitting the Start button, you will be able to find 3 items and get a headstart.

4. Using hints at the right time

You can use the hints in this game for an unlimited amount of time, hence, beginners tend to rely on them. However, as the button has a very long cooldown, using the hints without any strategy in place will only ruin your gaming experience. Hence, for a more effective and smoother gaming experience, strategize using the hints only when there are a couple of items left to find. Usually, the items in the list you are having trouble finding are the ones that are left behind at the end. So, you can use the hints accurately during the end to find the objects that were hard to find.

If you like to challenge your mind with thrilling mysteries, then June's Journey Hidden Objects is the game for you. It provides a captivating gaming experience that will entice you to get invest in the gameplay. With the above-listed tips and tricks, both beginners and struggling players can improve their gameplay massively. So, do take these tips into consideration if you are looking for a way to elevate your gaming experience by finding all the designated hidden objects faster than everyone else on the leaderboard.
