My Child Lebensborn

My Child Lebensborn

  • Developer:

    Sarepta Studio

  • Platform:

  • size:

    125.83 MB

    663.9 MB

  • Updated:

    Aug 28, 2023

    Aug 7, 2023



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My Child Lebensborn is an emotionally charged mobile game that takes players on a journey through the challenges of raising a child in the aftermath of World War II. With its compelling narrative, thought-provoking choices, and impactful storytelling, it has left a deep impression on players seeking a unique gaming experience. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the game's mechanics, provide strategic tips and insights, evaluate its strengths and weaknesses, and highlight the key features that make My Child Lebensborn a standout title in the world of mobile games.

My Child Lebensborn is a simulation and narrative-driven game that delves into the post-war period, focusing on raising a Lebensborn child, who is a child born out of Nazi eugenics policies. Here are some core mechanics and basics:

Nurturing your child: Players take on the role of a caregiver, responsible for the well-being, upbringing, and emotional development of the Lebensborn child.

Making choices: The game's narrative unfolds through a series of choices and decisions that affect the child's personality, emotions, and the game's storyline.

Resource management: Players must manage resources, such as food, money, and time, to meet the child's needs and ensure their growth.

Emotional impact: My Child Lebensborn explores themes of prejudice, discrimination, and identity, inviting players to consider the emotional consequences of their choices.

Storytelling: The game offers an emotionally charged storyline, featuring dialogues, events, and interactions that impact the child's character development.

My Child Lebensborn is a unique game that requires empathy, emotional intelligence, and thoughtful decision-making. Here are some tips and strategies to help you navigate the complex choices within the game:

Prioritize emotional needs: Pay close attention to the child's emotional state, indicated by their mood. Address their feelings and reassure them when necessary.

Nutrition and hygiene: Regularly feed and bathe the child to ensure their physical health and well-being. Neglecting these needs can lead to negative consequences.

Open communication: Engage in open and honest dialogues with the child. Listen to their concerns and answer their questions with empathy.

Educate about history: Teach the child about the historical context in which the game is set. Explain the events and concepts they encounter to foster understanding.

Promote individuality: Encourage the child's interests and passions. Allow them to explore their identity and make choices that reflect their true self.

Respond to challenges: The child may face bullying or prejudice. Offer emotional support, teach resilience, and help them develop coping strategies.

Balanced playtime: While play is essential for a child's development, maintain a balance with educational and nurturing activities.

Save resources: Manage resources wisely. Stock up on food and supplies when available and plan ahead to avoid resource shortages.

Multiple playthroughs: The game offers different endings based on choices. Consider playing multiple times to explore various outcomes and story paths.

Self-reflection: After playing, take time to reflect on the game's themes, your decisions, and their emotional impact on you. Discuss the game with others to gain different perspectives.

My Child Lebensborn offers a unique and emotionally charged experience, but it also has its strengths and weaknesses:


Emotional impact: The game's narrative and choices create a deep emotional connection, encouraging players to empathize with the child's experiences.

Thought-provoking themes: My Child Lebensborn explores themes of prejudice, identity, and the consequences of historical events, sparking reflection and discussion.

Impactful storytelling: The game's compelling storytelling and well-crafted characters draw players into the narrative, making them emotionally invested in the child's journey.

Meaningful choices: Players' decisions directly influence the child's development and the game's outcome, adding depth and replayability.

Realism and authenticity: The game offers an authentic depiction of post-war life, adding historical accuracy to its narrative.


Emotional weight: The game's emotionally heavy themes and choices can be distressing for some players, making it a challenging experience.

Limited gameplay variety: My Child Lebensborn primarily consists of decision-making and resource management, which may not appeal to players seeking more traditional gameplay elements.

Potentially short playtime: The game's length depends on the choices made. Some players may find it relatively short, while others may experience longer playthroughs.

My Child Lebensborn stands out in the mobile gaming landscape for several profound reasons:

Emotional depth: The game's emotional impact and the depth of its themes, which explore the effects of prejudice and identity on a child, set it apart as a meaningful and thought-provoking experience.

Meaningful choices: My Child Lebensborn offers players the opportunity to make impactful decisions that affect the child's development, fostering a sense of responsibility and personal connection.

Narrative excellence: The game's well-crafted storytelling and characters immerse players in the child's journey, evoking empathy and reflection on the consequences of history.

Historical authenticity: My Child Lebensborn offers an authentic portrayal of post-war life, making it an educational and enlightening experience.

Contribution to discussions: The game's themes and narrative encourage players to engage in discussions about prejudice, identity, and historical understanding, fostering important conversations.

In conclusion, My Child Lebensborn offers an emotionally charged and impactful gaming experience that invites players to explore complex themes and make meaningful choices. While it may be emotionally heavy and lacks traditional gameplay elements, its pros far outweigh the cons. Whether you're looking for a thought-provoking gaming experience, a chance to foster empathy, or a discussion starter on important themes, My Child Lebensborn provides a unique journey that stays with players long after they've put down their mobile devices.
