Pokémon GO

Pokémon GO

  • Developer:

    Niantic, Inc.

  • Platform:

  • size:

    98 MB

    357.3 MB

  • Updated:

    Mar 10, 2023

    Mar 16, 2023



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Pokémon GO is an exciting adventure game where you need to discover Pokemon and the world around them. The game might appear easy, but you will explore different aspects and new challenges when progressing. Hence, understand the game and features to develop winning strategies. A proper understanding will help with fast moves and the best protection. The objective is to uncover Pokemon and its strange world where you will fight, raid, and explore many things. When playing, you can discover Pokemon wherever possible and collect them. You can catch more and complete the Pokedex. You can continue your adventure with Buddy Pokemon, make it more powerful, and get inspiring rewards.

Pokémon GO is a game filled with adventures and excitement. You can start your journey and find Pokemon when moving further. You can play with others, have your team, and catch powerful Pokemon. You can participate in raid and gym battles and earn rewards. In brief, it is all about moving and enjoying a real-life adventure. You can perform well once you know how it works. You can build your army, manage your bag, and exchange Pokemon for candies. Candies will play a determining role in the game. You can use them for upgrades and achieve more from your effort. Look for all the ways to get more rewards and XP points. You can fight wherever you can win. Otherwise, avoid the battles and look for the right opportunities.

As mentioned earlier, Pokémon GO is easy to play, but you will require consistency to hone your skills and dominate the game. Before exploring the game, know what is inside and how to progress fast. You can collect eggs at Poke Stops and use them to get candies, XP points, and Pokemon. Besides, you can use your incubator wisely to cover more distance. Know how to use your incubators and use them wisely to have more benefits. You can participate in special events and have long-distance eggs. They will help you with more rewards.

When playing Pokémon GO, focus on building your XP first, and then you can consider using power-up for your Pokemon. The XP points will decide your skills, and you can have a better chance with more XP points. Get as many as possible, and then you can consider other steps. Beginners power up the Pokemon when XP is low. If you do so, you will have to spend more candies. Hence, you can save the power-up until level 20 and take over gyms.

In addition, you can focus on your army and bag. Bags will be available in the game, but you need to manage them to make more benefits. You can also check the Pokedex. It will show the number of Pokemon you have caught with other details. Beginners carry all their Pokemon in the bag. However, you can avoid this step and only save those with more power to support your game.

The game will have different types of Pokemon with specific powers. Know the ability of each and decide based on their capabilities. Always keep pokemon with higher abilities to fight in raid battles and gyms. When you have more pokemon, you can exchange them for candies. Also, check the evolution path and consider using it to evolve lesser forms. Besides, the game will have some lucky eggs that you can have. But they are special eggs and can help with more benefits. You can save them for difficulties to have maximum gain. Play Pokémon GO and discover new challenges. Here are some steps to make your adventure entertaining.

Find a rare buddy

The game will have different types of Pokemon, but some will be rare. You can choose such a buddy and unlock more candies while moving. You will have enough scope to evolve that Pokemon and get more benefits.

Raid remotely

Raid can cause you more damage when you fight with your presence. Therefore, you can raid remotely without physical presence and protect yourself.

Participate in battles

You can participate in battles and get more rewards. Since the game is about discovering and finding Pokemon, you can find more in raid battles. Moreover, you can earn inspiring rewards while moving through this adventurous game.

Pokémon GO revolves around Pokemon and battles. You can find different types of Pokemon, evolve them, and exchange them for candies. Understand the game and perform better. Share your experience with beginners.
