Rise of Empires: Ice and Fire

Rise of Empires: Ice and Fire

  • Developer:

    Long Tech Network Limited

  • Platform:

  • size:

    692 MB

    1.3 GB

  • Updated:

    Mar 31, 2023

    Apr 2, 2023



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Are you ready to go to war? Rise of Empires Ice and Fire with its amazing graphics and a gripping storyline has managed to become one of the best real-time strategy mobile games. You will be donning the role of a small-town leader and you aim to halt the invasion of the very dangerous Death Harbingers.

As this game is a unique combination of nation medieval strategy against real-time nation, beginners need to come up with effective strategies to improve the gameplay and advance quickly.

To help out all beginners, next some of the best Rise of Empires Ice and Fire tips and tricks are detailed below. So, what are you waiting for? Do continue reading for more!

* Focusing on the castle first

The most crucial building or structure in this game happens to be the castle. After you have successfully leveled up the castle you own to Level 10, you will be granted the ability to upgrade other buildings for improved or effective gameplay. Thus, you should concentrate on leveling up the castle so that you can make the required upgradation for the resource buildings and storage.

Besides, leveling up the castle to Level 10 as soon as possible is recommended as it is one of the best ways to build high-level troops in this game. So, do consider leveling up the castle to unlock many required game features that ensure a smooth gaming experience.

* Choosing valuable fractions

Once you reach level 6, this stylized-realistic game allows you to choose from 3 different factions. Most beginners do not know the importance of choosing the correct fraction during this time, and end up making a random decision, and this negatively affects their gameplay and gaming experience. You will be provided with the options – Farmer, Raider, and Trader. Each choice will introduce you to different aspects of the game. So, choosing accurately is necessary.

Consider choosing Farmer first as most beginners usually want to increase their productivity in this game. There are many advantages of picking this option like increasing Harvest speed by +50% and also troop load by +100% (increased protection from the game enemies). The game allows you to switch to other classes later on. So, consider switching when you need to come up with a new strategy to advance like a pro in Rise of Empires Ice and Fire.

* Planning the layout

This strategy-based game is popular because the gameplay added a simple building game element as well. If your layout is fruitful, you can easily get to enjoy a lot of benefits when playing the game. Hence, do take your time to plan your kingdom’s layout properly. Your strategy should include separating all the buildings as per their primary function. For less confusion and proper protection, keep all your resource buildings in one corner. Similarly, set all troop formations in another corner. Your goal should be effectively organizing your kingdom for improved playthroughs.

* Joining an active alliance

This multiplayer game allows you to join a virtual team or alliance consisting of other Rise of Empires Ice and Fire players. Many beginners do not consider joining an alliance as they think it will complicate their gameplay. However, the game is designed in such a way that allows players of an active alliance to advance effectively and smoothly. So, joining an active alliance comes with benefits like getting great rewards and buffs after taking part in events. It ensures you can get access to numerous boosts, bonuses, and freebies easily. Besides, your team members can effectively protect you from other players attacking you as well.

* Training your troop continuously

You should always consider increasing your troop training construction and building. Training your troops continuously will ensure your troop is prepared to take on the more difficult monsters and gather the necessary resources as you progress in this game. So, concentrate on unlocking the Military University to upgrade your existing troops and find new branches for effective troop composition.

The top-grossing Rise of Empires Ice and Fire is designed to test your strategy-building skills. If you are looking for a thrilling gaming experience, this game can offer hours and hours of fun and exciting playtime. However, beginners need to strategize their progress effectively to ensure they can advance quickly in this game and also enjoy the gameplay to the fullest. Hence, some top tips and tricks to master this 4X strategy mobile game were discussed. So, once you have practiced playing to get a good grip on the game controls, apply them for a truly elevated gaming experience.
