State of Survival: Zombie War

State of Survival: Zombie War

  • Developer:

    FunPlus International AG

  • Platform:

  • size:

    152 MB

    279.9 MB

  • Updated:

    Jun 20, 2023

    Jun 21, 2023



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State of Survival Zombie War is one of the most popular mobile strategy games that you can play. Being a fast-paced, exciting and interesting game, many people play this game and love it. But as much as the game is fun and interesting, it is quite challenging too. As the game is based on actions, planning and strategies, newbie gamers can struggle a lot. If you are here, it is safe to assume that you are having some issues playing this game. Don’t worry as we are here to help with some of the best strategies that you can apply to get the best result. Want to know more about it? Read on.

This game has different elements in it and you have to be very careful about each and every thing. To make sure that you are getting the best result, follow these strategies:

1. Management of resources

You have to manage resources properly. For that, you need to prioritize the resource production buildings. When playing this game, you have to focus more on upgrading and building the resource production building like the lumber mills and farms or the oil wells and metal factories. This will ensure a steady flow of resources for growing and defending your base. You can also raid some of the inactive players on the world map and raid their resource tiles as well. This can help you to gain additional resources. But this will not risk your troops in combat.

2. Get a stronger defense base

You can upgrade your walls and strengthen it to successfully fend off the zombies in State of Survival Zombie War. You can also protect the buildings by getting a stronger wall. You have to upgrade the barriers and traps successfully that are on the walls. This can deter your opponent players from attacking your base and cause losses. You can even construct defense towers as well as traps within your base for repelling the zombie attacks from your base successfully. You can even place them strategically to cover the most vulnerable areas of your base. Thus, it can maximize the effectiveness.

3. Form an alliance in the game

One of the best ways to be stronger is to form an alliance or you can even join one that is already there. Being a part of an alliance can offer you some amazing benefits, such as an access to new technologies, reinforcements and alliance quests. You can find supportive and active alliances in the game which can also enhance your overall gameplay. You must coordinate with the other members of the alliance to work together with each and every member. You can also plan the attacks, defend enemy players as well as support each other when needed.

4. Development of heroes

You will get different heroes in the game and they play a crucial role during the combat. You need to level up all your heroes so that they can enhance their gameplay, abilities, and unlock some powerful skills too. You can complete daily quests, participate in events, and complete the stages of heroes to upgrade them. You can invest in upgrading different skills of your heroes which can enhance the strength of your troop and help in fighting against the enemies successfully.

5. Troop formation is the key

You can train your army to create a more balanced form. You can create a diverse composition of the army that will include a mix of different vehicles, infantry and more. Each of these has different types of strengths and weaknesses that can help you to play the game more efficiently. You can experiment with different formations as well as to know which formation will be the best one to suit your style of playing and to attack the armies.

Now that you know exactly how to play State of Survival Zombie War efficiently, what are you waiting for? If you were struggling with the game, it has now become easier for you. Make sure to come back and share your strategies with us too. You too can help us as well as other players to play this game!
