War and Order

War and Order

  • Developer:


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  • size:

    54.53 MB

    481.3 MB

  • Updated:

    Mar 28, 2023

    Mar 28, 2023



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War and Order is an interesting, strategy war game where you can build your world. This intuitive game is all about real-time strategy, castle building, and tower defense. Dragon riders, incredible warriors, orc knights, and elf sages are ready for a sheer fight and guard your empire.

If you are looking forward to a wonderful and fulfilling game, there are helpful tips that can help you. This post lists some tips and tricks that you can apply throughout the game. These tips will keep you ahead of your enemies regardless of whether you are an expert or a beginner.

In War and Order, you have to build a massive army to get ready for animated battles. Fireballs, dragons roar, and axes fly when you clash with enemies across the world in real time. Besides, call on the allies that arrive on lizard or horseback to rescue you. You can repay them with your loyalty while you slay ogres, take castles, and build new territory.

This is an amazing game that you can’t afford to miss out on. Your screen will light up constantly with new battles, upgrades, and chats. You have to strengthen your defense so that you can protect your castle while fighting against your enemies. To have a better army equipped with powerful tools and skills, you have to play strategically and defeat your mightiest enemies.

Now that you have understood what War and Order are all about, you should know how to play the game effectively. Below listed are some helpful tips that give you an edge over your enemies.

1. Know the basics well

When you know the basics of a game, it helps you play better and War and Order are no different. In the beginning, you will get a tutorial that shows you the basic elements of the game. After that, you have to gather resources to build structures. They help you improve your army power and defense of your kingdom. As you make progress, you get rewards in the form of events, check-in, and quests. Also, having an alliance benefits you more.

2. Get on with the quest progression

If you have been playing multiplayer games for some time, you should know about it. In War and Order, you have to follow every quest and should complete them. This becomes important, especially at the beginning of the game. Following the quests helps you stay on track while earning you rewards. Keep in mind that you have to prepare yourself to conquer enemies. Therefore, ensure that you complete the quests.

3. Get connected with an alliance

Joining an alliance comes with its benefits. So, join one as early as you can. Moreover, you get 200 gems for free after you join an alliance. The alliance members can help you cut time when you are constructing buildings. The best part is that you can make new friends and respond to them as well. However, look out for the bird icon that tends to appear over the Embassy. It tells you that someone needs your help.

4. Significance of the lord's character

Because you are the Lord character in the game, you have to upgrade it with time. That way, it will help you make progress in the game. When you upgrade it on time, it helps you get better results from the battles while increasing the power of your army. As you progress, the game offers you skill points that you can use to boost the lord and upgrade its abilities. If you don’t like the skill points and you have finished them, they can be reset.

Hopefully, this post will help you progress faster and you will have no trouble conquering the extraordinary world of War and Order. Get ready to set out and win battles by implementing these tips. You will have better progress while increasing your gameplay experience to maximum levels.

War and Order is a wonderful strategy war game that has been around for some time and is loved by people. Follow the tips and tricks mentioned above to get an upper hand over your enemies and build your empire fast. Also, practice regularly so that you stay ahead of the game.
